How To Handle The Winter Of Iceland

Whenever you disclose your plans to visit Iceland during the winter, some people will warn you about the cold while others will remind you that it’ll be dark 24/7 for six months. Indeed, visiting Iceland during the winter requires proper preparation.

Iceland Tours in winter

Iceland is a misnomer for the country. The winters in Iceland aren’t as cold as most people believe. In reality, the northeastern regions of the US and Canada are colder than Iceland during the winter. Nevertheless, winter in Iceland comes with an exclusive set of challenges. The cold remains from mid-October to April. So, what makes Icelandic winters tolerable? The warmth of the Gulfstream, combined with proper preparation will allow you to enjoy your trip to Iceland in the winter. While the length of the days gets short in winter, you won’t encounter a darkness that remains twenty-four hours. The darkness aggravates the cold, but you’ll forget it amid all the festivals that take place in this country during the winter. Here you will learn how to prepare yourself to face the cold.

Keep tabs on the wind, ice, and rain

Icelandic winter isn’t about subzero temperatures. It’s about the whipping wind and rain that you may encounter during Iceland Tours in winter. The weather in this country is entirely unpredictable. A sunny day can change into a storm within moments. Icelanders are aware of this whimsicality of the weather. That’s why they always leave their houses well-prepared, and they take their time while traversing on the roads. Unlike Greenland, every place in Iceland doesn’t remain covered in snow throughout the winter. However, some of the roads get ice-clogged, and such situations can lead to problems. When the winter season sets in, the roads get icy and heavy rain and wind rule the plains.

Prepare excessively and obsessively

Now that you know a bit about the weather conditions that await you on Iceland Tours during the winter, it’s time to pay attention to how you should prepare. If you rent a vehicle, then make sure that it has GPS that you can use during emergencies. The best thing to do would be to rely on travel agencies, especially during winter. The people working with these organizations are well-aware of the conditions in Iceland. Nevertheless, if you want to travel alone, then you should note down emergency phone numbers so that you can call for support whenever you run into problems. You should also carry extra bottles of water, sunscreen, and a small heater if possible.

Iceland Tours in winter

Layer your clothes

During your trip to the Land of Fire and Ice, you should layer your clothes. You must arm yourself with layers of clothing. You need to keep a thin layer at the base and follow with something heavy and thick. Icelanders suggest travelers avoid cotton clothes altogether in winter. You should put on socks made of synthetic material or wool and undergarments, followed by woolens that don’t make you feel itchy. If you plan to go hiking, then add a parka and put on a pair of snow pants. You must also carry a small backpack containing extra shirts and socks. You will need them if you run into heavy rain.

Keep adapting

The key to enjoying the winter season in Iceland lies in adapting to the weather. You will probably become friends with some Icelanders during your vacation. They have been living a life of isolation for centuries. That’s why they know how to deal with any situation. Icelanders are also furiously tough, helpful, self-dependent, and helpful. You should follow their lead and keep adapting with the winter as your trip progresses. Appropriate preparation will prove useful, but you won’t be able to predict the weather at all. Hence, adaptation is the only way to enjoy your winter holidays in Iceland.

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